
Effortless personalization for Shopify stores

The Relewise app for Shopify puts the power of advanced personalization at your fingertips. Delivering tailored search results and product recommendations to each customer, fully integrated and adapted to your Shopify shop.

Integration has never been easier

Our app connects Relewise's powerful personalization engine to your Shopify store with just a few clicks. No coding required - simply install the app and let it work its magic. Within seconds, you’ll be effortlessly delivering tailored search results and product recommendations to each customer, driving engagement and boosting your bottom line.

Ready to integrate

Make it easier for customers to find exactly what they need

The app will personalize search results based on user behavior and preferences in milliseconds. When you make sure that it’s easy for customers to find what they need, it increases customer satisfaction and engagement. A seamless discovery experience that has customers coming back for more.

Boost conversions with relevant recommendations

Recommendations that are personalized enhance the shopping experience by suggesting complementary items. It also drives upselling and cross-selling opportunities, ultimately boosting average order value.

Three distinct types of recommendations are offered through the Relewise App for Shopify:


Purchased with Product

Commonly used on a product details page, when a customer is viewing a particular product, and you want to show other items that supplement it well.


Popular Products

Most often used on the front page to inspire new and returning customers. Shows an overview of the most popular products of the last two weeks.


Product Viewed After Viewing Product

Often placed on the product details page. Used to show customers what others have looked at after viewing the product they’re currently seeing.

How can I get it?

You need to have a customer relationship with Relewise. If you don’t have Relewise yet, book a meeting with us here.

The next thing is your Shopify theme. For now, the Relewise App for Shopify only supports the “Dawn” theme. We are currently working on the app supporting more themes in the future.

Lastly, you’ll need to have your dataset ready and your MyRelewise account to finish the setup. But if you have any doubts about that, reach out and we’ll gladly help!

And lastly, you’ll need to download the app⏤it can be done right here.

Brian and the team will gladly help :)