
No matter your tech stack, we got you covered!

Born headless and API-first, Relewise is built to integrate with any platform to create outstanding customer experiences. We have your back, no matter the platform you are on or the technology stack you use.


Designed for seamless integration

Relewise's platform is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing tech stack, allowing you to connect and activate personalized features across various systems.

With a range of flexible integration options, you can quickly enhance your tech stack with Relewise’s capabilities. Our platform supports integrations with:

✅ Email marketing systems

✅ CMSs

✅ Apps


✅Data management systems


Relewise offers multiple ways to manage and integrate your product and user data, whether through client-side scripts, server-side endpoints, or using your data management tools.

Can't find your favorite platform or tech stack in the overview?

Then don't hesitate to reach out to us, as we're always happy to help getting your favorite platform integrated with Relewise.

Fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Get all the resources you need to succeed with our products

If you're new to Search and Recommendation Engine services, we recommend exploring our comprehensive documentation to make the most of our platform.

Let us know if you have any questions.

We'd really like to hear from you - and with our many years of experience in the field of e-commerce and development, we've seen it all and we love a challenge.

Martin and the team will gladly help :)